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As resellers on eBay, we're constantly on the prowl for cool and collectible things. We're motivated to bring recognition to neglected items that deserve to be preserved, whether for their quality, history, functionality, beauty or quirkiness. A two-person team, we share a passion for relics of the past while each have expertise and interest in particular types of collectibles.
My bent is more toward the arts and crafts, literally and figuratively. I love to sift through old linens and rescue runners, doilies, tablecloths and napkins that still have life in them. Many will come home with me and be treated to a nice soak to return them as closely as possible to their original state. Lace is a particular interest, though I must rely on the expertise of my friend Sharon of The Rook and the Raven (also an eBay seller, check out her store here) to identify what I've found. I'm also keen to find antique and vintage clothing (I believe I lived a previous life in the late 1800s, how else can I explain my connection to the Victorian era?) to share with collectors and style mavens. Though I have no gift for needlework, I appreciate the skill reflected in many of the pieces I come across. I'm also inclined to rescue dolls and stuffed plush animals and love anything miniature. Jewelry from all eras captures my fancy, as do photographs or other snippets of personal history, such as ledgers or journals. You can find more of what's up my alley in my curated CoolVintageFindsShop on etsy .
There are some categories of collectibles that both Brad and I consistently gravitate toward. Antique and vintage Christmas decor, art posters and pottery of all kinds fall under that heading. Since many of our customers are crafty themselves, we'll pick up kits and needlepoint projects to pass along. Our merch is listed across dozens of categories to help shoppers browse and buy.
It's definitely easier to shop than to list, so we rely on a storage space to store finds awaiting their turn on eBay or etsy. Brad likes to say they're "fermenting" (as in, getting more desirable), but with our recent re-org, we're both amped to step up our listing game.
Not everything from our shopping expeditions makes it into our store! I'm a fan of miniature cabins and was thrilled to make a discovery recently to add to my collection. Someday I'll put it up for sale, but for the moment it's one of my own treasures.
Let us know what you like to find on your shopping forays, either at estate sales or online in our eBay store. Thanks for reading!
Copyright © 2024 Susan Buie dba Cool Vintage Finds
If you get as excited as I do when treasure hunting, you need to be extra wary about your selections. It’s easy to get carried away with a “find” and overlook flaws that diminish value. You may feel rushed because there are other eager shoppers on all sides. Slow down and inspect the merchandise! Here’s a short guide to help you use your five senses to become a savvy reseller: SEE.
SMELL.Odors are a bane to buyers and can be difficult to remove. Take note when you enter a home and be on guard if you detect mildew or smoke—common culprits that can destroy a desirable item. Airing and washing items can sometimes eliminate smells but this involves time and hassle and may not be satisfactory. Cat urine is particularly difficult to remove and noxious to the nostrils (no offense to felines intended). There is also a rather mysterious odor that tends to creep into the homes of the elderly. If something stinks, trust your instincts and rest assured it will smell even worse when you remove the item from its environment, which often masks much of the smell. Pass on moldy or musty items—these odors spread when stored with pristine inventory. FEEL.
HEAR. Listen to the chatter at sales. You may be able to pick up on history of items or gain insight into demand. Some sellers will have expertise to share, so it doesn’t hurt to inquire. Another way you can use your ears is when encountering mechanical items. If you hear something rattling around inside when you give it a gentle shake, you may be dealing with a broken thing-a-ma-jig. You can also improve your purchase decisions by listening to what your gut is telling you. If your inner voice says something is overpriced, negotiate or pass it by. If you’re being too sentimental, check your emotions at the door. TASTE. I’m using poetic license to invoke this “sense”—my true meaning refers to aesthetics. Is your taste in line with what’s popular? Are you good at uncovering rare and coveted niche items? The best shoppers have a knack for identifying cool stuff that people want right now. You can’t always predict what will sell, but if you keep an eye on the marketplace, you can improve your ability to spot hot items in high demand. May fortune favor you as you hone your senses in the exciting field of treasure hunting. Good luck!
Learn about our recent discoveries and what captures our imagination in this blog, then peruse the treasures in our Cool Vintage Finds Store on eBay. Brought to you by...
... Susan Buie, writer by day, vintage curator and co-proprietor of the Cool Vintage Finds Store on eBay in all the moments in between. Copyright notice: All blog content copyright protected. Do not reproduce without permission.
Link Policy: Links to eBay products and/or eBay stores may generate a small commission through the eBay Partner Network program at no additional cost to you.
Advertising Policy: Ads served by Google AdSense may generate a small commission through the Google AdSense program at no additional cost to you. Copyright © 2016 - 2025 Susan Buie dba Cool Vintage Finds. All rights reserved. For more information, visit our Site Policies.Archives
July 2024